RUBICON: a theatrical RPG

50 minutes, 2w, 3nb, 1m

Rae Nigellus, captain of the diplomat/aid ship Rubicon, has been dispatched to a planet currently under siege by a powerful space fleet. But the situation is more complicated than it first appears – not only is Rae contacted by organizers on the ground asking for help of a sort that threatens Rae’s standing as a neutral aid ship; it turns out the leader of the blockading army is someone she once knew, and someone who knows what she’s done.

Written specifically for digital presentation, RUBICON is also a choose-your-own-adventure play. Through choices made before and during the play, the audience will help decide the fate of the Rubicon, the colonists, and Rae herself.

Screenshots below are from a digital reading in TC Squared Theatre Company’s New Play Festival in April 2021, directed by Josh Telepman, assisted by Julia Lee, featuring Laura Menzie (Rae), Cris Paulino (RUBY), and Jackie Chylinski (Sarajevo).


Pinch Point


World Line (one act)